Edit Bank Account


Editing bank accounts is very similar to creating bank accounts, the only caveat is that the bank account type is non-editable Edit Bank Account


Here are a list of the fields, when entering a sort code and account number, it will be validated using Validate.

Field Reason Required
Reference This field is used as an internal reference, whenever you see a list of bank accounts in paygate, this is the name you will see Yes
Description This is for you to add a description to the bank account, to let others know what it’s for No
Sort Code This is the sort code for the bank account Yes
Account Number This is the account number for the bank account Yes
Currency The currency for the bank account No
Intermediate Bank Id The Intermediate Bank Id for the bank account No
Bank Name The bank’s name No
Address The bank’s address No
Post Code The bank’s post code No
Country The bank’s Country No

Name and Address

As you can see from the table above, the bank’s name and address details are completely optional.

Bank Name and Address