
Zip File

Purpose Compresses (Zips) one or more files. A static filename, filename variable or wildcards can be used to select files to be zipped. Compressed files can be encrypted using an optional password. The node will produce a standard zip node that can be unzipped using 7zip, Winzip or using the Windows Explorer. Configuration Filename The filename is the name of the file(s) that will be compressed. You can use various wildcards such as * and ? »

Unzip File

Purpose Decompresses (unzips) one or more zipped files. A static filename, filename variable or wildcards can be used to select files to be unzipped. Password protected compressed files can be automatically decrypted using a supplied password. Configuration Filename The filename is the name of the file(s) that will be uncompressed. You can use various wildcards such as * and ?. Wildcards Standard * and ? wildcards are fully supported allowing you to copy all files matching a particular wildcard pattern. »