Getting Started


This section provides an overview of the powerful mappign tolls that are built into the service.

What is Mapping?

Many of our customers wish to load files, containing payment instructions, into our service. Almost every customer has a slightly different file format and so we have built a set of tools to allow our service to read files in many different file formats. Our aim is that the customer does not have to change their file format in order to use that their files in our service.

The process of taking a customer file and loading it into our service is known as mapping. Mapping also allows for data stored in the file to be enriched, modified or reformatted. An example of this is reformatting a date format - our service can easily change the formatting of a date fireld without having to alter the original file. Many of our customer find this very beneficial because altering the source file format is often inpractical, costly or complicated to implement.

To ensure that the mappping process is as flexible as possible we have split the process into two main steps.

Importing - Reading the actual file and importing the data into the service mapping - Modifying the data, combining the data with our sources and formattign it into the correct payment system formst, e.g. BACS format.


Where are Mappings Use?

Mapping are used in various part of paygate:

Using the Importer tools

Importers load a file and import the data into the service. The service knows how to read two different sort of common file type: delimited (often called CSV) and fixed length.

Using importers has various benefits:

Read more more about creating a CSV importer here

Read more about creating a CSV importer here.

Using the Mapping Tools

Mappings are created in the Mapping Designer. In paygate, mappings are very visual and, after a bit of practice, intuitive and easy to use. Follow this link to learn more about using the mapping designer.