Downloading Files

You can configure Agent to automatically download files from paygate.

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There are many processes in paygate that result in the creation of a new file. These files can be transferred from paygate to your local system using Agent in a seamless and highly secure way.

By default, file downloading in Agent is disabled. In order to enable downloads, open the Agent and navigate to the “File Download” page. A table (pictured above) will be displayed where multiple download locations can be specified. Clicking on the “Add Folder” button will present a dialog with several options:

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The File Download dialog has several options:

  1. Server Location - Location on the server to download files from. Clicking on this will present a dialog to select the download location.
  2. Local Folder - Location on the user machine to download files to.
  3. Enabled - Enables or disables the download folder.
  4. Suppress Duplicate Downloads - Prevents duplicate files being downloaded.
  5. Enable Relative Download Paths - Ensures that the folder structure is preserved between the server and local machine.

Clicking the “Apply” button will save these changes to the configuration, which will appear on the table to the user. These rows can be edited by clicking anywhere but the delete button.

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