Automation Security


As in other parts of paygate, security and authorisation is enforced by roles. The Automation sections of paygate (Mapping, Workflow and Folder Manager) have their own set of roles. Before users can access the various automation features, they must be granted access to those features by adding their user account to the associated role.

Mapping Roles

There are two available Mapping Roles:

View Mapping

Users with this role can view Mappings and Importers. This is a read-only role. A user with only this role cannot save changes or delete existing mappings/importers or create new mappings/importers.

Example or where this role is needed:

Note: Without this role, a user can still see a list of available mappings in the Group configuration page. They can also add a mapping to a group.

Manage Mappings

Use can make changes to existing mappings/importers including permanently deleting mappings/importers. This role is generally used for the user that is creating new and editing existing mappings and importers.

In general a user with the Manage Mappings role also has all of the right to also View Mappings.