Folder Manager


Customers of the service have access to a secure file storage area. Our customers upload new files to this secure areas using the Agent or by using a secure SFTP connection. The Folder Manager allows you to manage the files and folders stored in this area from within the browser client.

Mapping Detail

The Folder Manager provides basic file and folder management tools, including:

What you cannot do with the Folder Manager

There are certain file and folder operations that you cannot do using Folder Manager:

Accessing the Folder Manager

There are two ways to access the Folder Manager:

Open the Quick links panel and click the Folder manager icon.

Folder Manager

From the Left-Hand Menu

Open the Left-Hand Menu and expand Automation > Automation Tools and click Folder Manager

Folder Manager

Licensing the Folder Manager

Access to the Folder Manager needs a licence. If you cannot access the Folder Manager, please contact your sales account manager.

You can check your licence status by viewing the Licence page.

Security and Roles

All user access to the secure file area within paygate is controlled by user roles. There are three roles that permit access to Folder Manager functionality:

Folder Manager - This role is used to control access to the file and folder manipulation tools. For example, creating folders, renaming folders, deleting files, etc.

Folder Manager File Viewer - A user with this role can view a preview of a text file, such as a payment file, that is stored in the secure file area. Some files might contain sensitive payment information and so we have added this extra role to help to keep the information private. However, be aware, a user with this role can view all files in the secure area - regardless of any group membership restrictions.

The table below can be used to quickly determine the relevant licence and role requirements.

Function Licence User Role
Create Folder Yes Folder Manager
Rename Folder Yes Folder Manager
Delete Folder Yes Folder manager
Rename File Yes Folder manager
Delete File Yes Folder Manager
View File Yes Both ‘Folder Manager’ AND ‘Folder Manager File Viewer’

Browse Customer Folder - This role does not give a user the right to view files in the folder manager. It is used to allow access to the files in the secure area when importing files when creating a new BACS submission. If the user imports a file from the secure folder into a BACS for Faster Payment submission, they need to role. This role can be found in the ‘Common’ tab of the user role management page.

The Folder Manager View

The Toolbar

Icon Name Description
folder Create Folder Creates a new folder
cut Cut Cuts the selected file or folder and places it in the clipboard
Copy Copy Copies the selected file or folder and places it in the clipboard
Paste Paste Pastes the current item in the clipboard
Refresh Refresh Refreshes the current view of files and folders
Delete Delete Permanently deletes the currently selected file or folder
Rename Rename Renames the currently selected file or folder
Info Info Returns information about your current file usage and how much space you have available

The Folder Tree pane

The Folder Tree pane lists the folders that the current user has access to. The folder are organised as a tree in order to show the heirarchy of other folders. Click a folder to displat the contents of the select folder in the right-hand (file and folder) pane.

The files and folders pane

The ‘Files and Folders’ pane show the immediate children (both files and folders) of the currently selected folder in the (left-hand) Folder Tree pane.

Single click a folder or file to select it. The selected file or folder is displayed in the selected item area. Double click a folder to open the Files and Folder pane in that folder. Double click a file to display a preview of the contents of the file.