Mapping Nodes

Mapping nodes are the building blocks of mappings. Each node carries out a specific piece of functionality.

As an example: The ‘Capitalise’ node takes a string and, perhaps unsurprisingly, capitalizes each word.

Each node has a separate help page to help you understand how each one operates.

Nodes are grouped into separate sections:

String Operators

Nodes that work with strings of text such as account names. Different nodes can be used to manipulate text in different ways.

Date Operators

Date operators can be used to create a date or to reformat an existing date. For example, reformatting a date in MM/DD/YYYY into DD/MM/YYYY

Number Operators

Of course, number operators act on numbers and most likely, currency amounts.

Data Operators

Data operators are used to retrieve data that is already stored in Paygate. Examples are to retrieve bank account numbers and other details during a mapping.

Payment Connectors

Lastly, payment connectors are used to map data into a format that Paygate will use to construct payment data in the correct format.