Create Folder


Creates a new folder in the customer folder.

File Delete Node


This workflow node creates a new folder/directory in the customer folder in the Paygate cloud environment.


File Delete Configuration

Folder Name

The name of the file that will be deleted.


Special tokens can be used in this field to allow the folder to be dynamically named. For example: MyReports21-09-2025

Token Meaning Example
{dd} Current Day number 12
{MM} Current Month Number 03
{yy} Current Year (2d) 25
{yyyy} Current year (4d) 2025
{hh} Current Hour (24hr) 07
{mm} Current Minute 45
{ss} Current Second 22
{SSS} Current Millisecond 123

For example, at the time of writing: myfolder{hh}{mm}{ss}

would result in a folder name of: myfolder142055

Folder Path

The logical path the the new folder will be created in.

Set Filename Variable to new folder name

If selected, the filename variable will be set to the value of the ‘Name’ of the new folder, i.e. the value of ‘Folder Name’