

Bureau Submissions can be accessed in three ways:

  1. Creating a submission from a job.
  2. Creating a submission using Builder.
  3. Accessing an existing submission using the “Submissions in Progress” page (pictured below):

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The Submissions in Progress Page allows navigation to the “Submission Details” page for existing jobs, and can be searched or sorted using criteria displayed on the grid:

  1. Submission Reference - the reference defined at the point of creation.
  2. Job - the name of the Job or Builder used to generate the submission.
  3. Group - the name of the group the submission is tied to, this is also where the Service User Number for the submission is defined.
  4. Created - creation date and time.
  5. Last Modification - the date and time of the most recent change to the submission.
  6. Created By - the username for the creating user.
  7. Status - the submission status.
  8. Locked - indicates that another user is editing this submission.
  9. Editing User - the username for the currently editing user.

Submission Details page

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The Submission Details page is used to check the contents of the submission, and can be used to modify the submission as needed. The page is presented with a summary of the submission, including the payment dates, group name and submission reference, as well as a total count and value for all the credits, debits and Direct Debit Instructions which have been added or imported.

Each file is represented as a payment block, which appear as separate pagable records which can be filtered by expanding the filter options (pictured below) explanations of the filter options available can be found by selecting the question mark logo next to the text input box:

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Clicking on the elipsis icon on the right of the submission block presents the user with a menu of actions that can be performed against a block (pictured below):

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Actions available: 1. Insert Record - allows additional records to be added to a block. 2. Validate Block - validates the block against scheme rules. 3. Block Details - displays the details for the block, such as originating customer and payment date. 4. Remove Block - removes the block from the submission. 5. Zero Payments - sets the amount on all credit or debit payments to 0. 6. Remove All Zero Payments - removes all 0 amount debits or credits from the submission.

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Expanding the submission block by clicking on it will display a paged grid of the records found within the block (pictured above). The records are intially sorted by issue severity, but can be sorted by:

The columns listed above are also filterable, apart from the Issues column.

Clicking on a row will allow the the record to be edited (pictured below), as well as displaying messages that are associated with that record from the validation process:

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Records can be deleted individually by clicking on the “Delete” button.

At the base of the page are three buttons:

  1. Validate Submission - triggers validation of the submission, progressing to the next stage of the process. A progress bar will be displayed. alt text

  2. More Actions (pictured below): alt text

    • View Imported Files - returns the user to the list of imported files.
    • Add Files - allows the user to add addtional files to a submission, using the same methods as Bureau Builder.
    • Add Manual Block - allows the addition of manual blocks to a submission, into which records can be manually added (pictured below). alt text
    • Bulk Date Editor - allows the payment/processing date for multiple blocks to be edited (pictured below). alt text
    • Download Pre-Authorisation Report - produces a pdf summarising the contents of the submission (pictured below). alt text
    • Unlock Submission - removes a user-level block on a submission, allowing other users to edit.
    • Zero All Payments - sets the payment amount of all credits and debits to 0.
  3. Cancel Submission - this allows the user to cancel the submission. When pressed, the user recieves a dialog to confirm the action (pictured below). alt text

Pre Sub Validation

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The Pre-Submission Validation page displays details of the submission, such as payment/processing date, data around submission size and value such as those found on the previous screen. Any errors with the submission are displayed in order of severity (with highest priority displayed first):

  1. Fix - structural or data errors that will prevent the submitted being allowed by BACS, and as such must be addressed prior to submission.
  2. Warnings - will not affect whether a submission can proceed, but could result in some of the submitted items not being accepted at a later date.
  3. Duplicates - data that is duplicated within a submission, such as a sort code appearing multiple times.
  4. Information

If there are no Fix level warnings in the submission, the “Process Submission” button will be clickable, allowing the user to progress to the next part of the process.

From the Pre Sub Validation page, the submission can be cancelled, and it is possible to navigate back to the “Submission Details” page by clicking on the “View Submission Details” button.

Signing and Sending

The Submission Process for a Bureau Submission is identical to the process defined in the Actions documentation, but there are a few extra details that are available (pictured below):

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In addition to the standard tabs for a BACS Submission, a Bureau specific tab : “Bureau Summary” is available. The Bureau Summary tab provides:

  1. Credit counts and total amounts.
  2. Debit counts and total amounts.
  3. Direct Debit Instruction counts.
  4. Contra counts
  5. Total block counts.

Another addition to the page is a button to “View Bureau Submission Report”, which summarises the Bureau Submission and displays totals and counts for each block that is being submitted (pictured below).

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