Validate API - Examples


This repository is meant to show you how to use Paygate’s API’s, by requesting a token and then using that to call the endpoint of your choice. There are runnable examples in each folder relating to each project, but the main bulk of it is here.

We recommend not using or keeping either the api key or keycode on the client side, if you need access client side, you can send the access token down from a backend and use that.

Billing Matrix

This will show you which calls will be billable or not

API Call Description Billable
getAddress Used to get address details for a UK address Yes
getAddressIrish Used to get address details for a Irish address Yes
lookupAddress Used to get a list of addresses for a UK address Yes
lookupAddressIrish Used to get a list of addresses for a Irish address Yes
getCoPDetails Used to get CoP details for a name, sort code and account number Yes
GetRollNumberDetails Used to get roll number details for a bank account No
getBacsDetails Used to get the BACS fields from the EISCD No
getCccDetails Used to get the CCC fields from the EISCD No
getChapSSDetails Used to get the CHAPSS details from the EISCD No
validateAccount Used to validate a sort code and/or an account number Yes
validateEmailAddress Used to validate an email address Yes
validateIban Used to validate an IBAN Yes
ibanPaperFormat Used to return an IBAN to a paper format No
validatePhoneNumber Used to validate a phone number Yes

You will only get charged if we can validate your request. If the data is missing and we cannot validate what is sent, you will not be billed

Getting a Token

We use oAuth2 to secure our endpoints, you should be given a secret key/api key, this must remain secret from anyone otherwise they will be able to request tokens and act as if they were you, think of it as your password.

Once you have your secret key you can request a token from our token endpoint to do this you need to make a post request.

In the examples here I’m going to be using JavaScript with Axios
    auth: {
      username: '**api_name**',
      password: '**api_key**'

This (if it’s right) will return an object like this.

  "access_token": "eyJ0eXA...",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "token_type": "Bearer"

You can then use this in the auth header of your request.

let tokenResponse = {'...response from above...'}

  headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${tokenResponse.access_token}` }


You do not need to request a new token for each request, in the token response you’ll notice there’s a expires_in property this is the amount of seconds from requesting the token on when it will expire, in the example above, that would be an hour, so you can use this token for an hour before it expires.

You will have to manage this yourself, although there are a few libraries out there that can help with this. Identity model is a good choice

Project Examples

Account Number

The main call will allow a sort code and/or an account number, it will validate this information, along with this there are other calls to get service specific information.

BACS Details

A United Kingdom specific function that returns information specific to the BACS service for a given bank branch. Returns details or information use specifically for BACS electronic payments. The function can be used to determine that.

CC&C Details

A United Kingdom specific function that returns information specific to the C&CC service for a given bank branch. Returns details or information use specifically for the C&CC Service. The function can be used to determine that.

CHAPSS Details

A United Kingdom specific function that returns information specific to the CHAPS Sterling service for a given bank branch. Returns details or information use specifically for CHAPS Sterling payments. The function can be used to determine that.

FPS Details

A United Kingdom specific function that returns information specific to the UK Faster Payments service for a given bank branch.


With search you will be billed each time you call the endpoints, so to get a formatted address the minimum amount of billable calls would be two.


There is only one endpoint for autocomplete /Address/Autocomplete this will always return an object with a list of addresses, but this will contain data to determine if the selected address is the final address. You will recursively call the same function passing in different sid’s until you reach an array with 1 address in that has the selected boolean set to true, for the initial search we recommend using a debounced function on the input event, this way you can populate the initial list while the user is typing.

This is a bit harder to implement, but does create some nice UX. You can see the images below for an example

Address Autocomplete one Address Autocomplete two Address Autocomplete two

The flow for this would follow this logic

flowchart TD a("User starts typing address") b("Call is debounced to /Address/Autocomplete") c("Select list is populated") d{"On selection check if result has isExpandable or isComplete"} e("Call /Address/Autocomplete with result's sid") f("Call /Address/Autocomplete to get formatted address") a --> b --> c --> d --- isExpandable --> e --> c d --- isComplete --> f

There are two endpoints for searching addresses, one is a lookup which will return an array of addresses and another which will return more details about an address. The way that you implement this is up to you, however you will always have to call lookup first, as this will give you the address id to pass to the /Address endpoint to get a structured address response back.

While we cannot force how you implement this, we suggest getting a user to enter their postcode and pressing a button to populate a select list with available addresses, then when one is selected call the /Address endpoint to get the formatted address data.

The two images below are an example of this.

Address Lookup Address Details

The flow for this would follow this logic

flowchart TD a("User types postcode") b("User presses button to get list of addresses") c("Call to /Address/Lookup with typed postcode") d("Select list is populated with result") e("On selection, call to /Address with selected addressId") f("Formatted address is returned") a --> b --> c --> d --> e --> f


CoP (Confirmation of Payee/Payer) is a name checking service for UK-based payments. The aim of the service is to reduce certain types of fraud as well as misdirected payments. Today, volumes of Confirmation of Payee/Payer requests are averaging more than one million per day. In short, this will check a name against bank account details to see if they match.

To make this request you will have to pass in the CustomerName, AccountNumber, SortCode and AccountType (along with keycode information) So for example.

  "CustomerName": "Example",
  "AccountNumber": "11111113",
  "SortCode": "111111",
  "AccountType": "Personal",
  "SecondaryReference": "",
  "Keycode": "ExampleKeyCode"

The AccountType must be Personal or Business depending on the bank account you’re checking against. Below is an example of all the possible responses you may get.

Click to hide/show table

Email Address

Email address validation will not only validate that an email address is in the correct format but also validate that it is still in use and in general is a good email to use.

Validity will depend on the response of the email address, if the response is “ok” or “unknown” the email address will be classed as valid.

Below are the responses that can be returned.

Click to hide/show table


Verifies that an IBAN is valid, decomposes the IBAN and returns useful information such as bank/branch information and BIC.


This will take a UDPRN (Unique Delivery Point Reference Number), it should be an eight-digit unique numerical code that identifies a delivery point. You can get this using the address endpoint. Along with this you will need to supply the first and last name of the individual.

The result can be either:

This is using an edited version of the electoral roll, so a “Very Probable Match” should give you high confidence that those details are correct, a “No Match” does not mean that the details are incorrect.

Here is a diagram of how the calls should be made

flowchart TD a("User types postcode") b("User presses button to get list of addresses") c("Call to /Address/Lookup with typed postcode") d("Select list is populated with result") e("On selection, call to /Address with selected addressId") f("Formatted address is returned With the UDPRN") g("User enters both first and last name") h("Person endpoint is called with UDPRN, first name and last name") a --> b --> c --> d --> e --> f --> g --> h

Phone Number

Verifies that a phone number is valid and in use, it will return the original network details associated with the phone number, along with the current network details.

The international country calling code is required for this request, our advice on this (if you’re only accepting telephone numbers from a single country) is to prefix this yourself (example in the section below).

Using on a form

The intended use of this is to use this on a form, so you can have validation at entry, however due to costs per call, we recommend doing validation on form submit. An example of this would be using it on a form for registering direct debits.

Full Validation

Using the Test Service

We’ve created an endpoint so that you can test your integration before occurring any costs, these have either faked data or a small sample set to test out multiple calls resulting in both good and bad results.

This service will still expect the correct authentication and keycode, the calls below will not include these details, you will have to append them, you will not be charged for using this service.

You can access the API Documentation here

The base url for the test service is

Below is a list of the data to send to receive what response.

Account Number

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You can use whatever customer name you like, but for an example, I’ve used “John Doe”, the same goes with the sort code

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Email Address

Click to hide/show table


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You can use whatever UDPRN you like, the result will be based off the name

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Phone Number

Click to hide/show table