Unzip File


Decompresses (unzips) one or more zipped files. A static filename, filename variable or wildcards can be used to select files to be unzipped. Password protected compressed files can be automatically decrypted using a supplied password.

Unzip Node


Unzip Node


The filename is the name of the file(s) that will be uncompressed. You can use various wildcards such as * and ?.


Standard * and ? wildcards are fully supported allowing you to copy all files matching a particular wildcard pattern.

The node can also use more advanced wildcards such as those based around ranges: […]

Wildcard Description Example Matches Does not match
* matches any number of characters myfile.txt myfile.txt or myfile.csv myfile1.txt
? matches a single character myfile?.txt myfile1.txt myfile22.txt
[abc] matches one of the characters provided [pf]ile.txt file.txt, pile.txt mile.txt
[a-z] matches one character from the range provided myfile[0-9].txt myfile1.txt, myfile2.txt myfile10.txt

Additionally use can use the ! character to apply ‘not’ logic

Wildcard Description Example Matches Does not match
[!abc] matches one of the characters NOT provided [pf]ile.txt mile.txt file.txt
[!a-z] matches one character NOT from the range provided myfile[0-9].txt myfilea.txt, myfile22.txt myfile1.txt


This is the path to the directory where the files are stored in the paygate environment.


Special tokens can be used in path and filename fields to allow them to be dynamically named. For example: MyReport-21-09-2025

Token Meaning Example
{dd} Current Day number 12
{MM} Current Month Number 03
{yy} Current Year (2d) 25
{yyyy} Current year (4d) 2025
{hh} Current Hour (24hr) 07
{mm} Current Minute 45
{ss} Current Second 22
{SSS} Current Millisecond 123

Decrypt Zip File

If enabled the node will attempt to decrypt the zip file using the supplied password.

Follow Error path if any files fail to unzip

Determines the path the workflow will take when unzip errors occur. The unzip workflow node has two outputs: Continue and error.

If ‘Follow error path’ is enabled, whenever an error occurs in the unzip process the status of the unzip node will be ‘Error’ and then error path will be followed.

If ‘Follow error path’ is disabled, whenever an error occurs in the unzip process the status of the unzip node will be ‘Warning’ and the log will contain error messages but the ‘Continue’ will be followed.

Error reasons are varied but here are a few examples: - Incorrect password being used in an encrypted zip file - No matching files and so nothing to unzip - Corrupt zip file - Corrupt file within the zip file