Decrypt File
Decrypts a file that has previously been encrypted by wither: - A workflow Encryption Node - The Agent
There’s no complicated key management or certificate handling to worry about. Paygate will take care of that in the background.
In the following sample a payroll file has been encrypted by the Agent prior to being upload to paygate. The file is moved into working folder and then decrypted. The file can now be used like any other and is fed into a mapping and other BACS submission
Supply the node with the filename of the file to be decrypted together with the path to the folder containing the file.
The node expects the encrypted file to have a .pge file extension
Note: This is not a general purpose decryption node and is designed only when paygate originally encrypted the file.
Error Path
The error path is follow for the following reasons: - An error occurred durinf file decryption that resulted in the file failing to be decrypted correctly. - The file does not exist.