Encrypt File
Encrypts a file stored in your customer area using strong AES encryption.
Workflows share a common encryption anjd key management scheme with other parts of paygate such as the Agent. Agent can encrypt a file prior to transferring to paygate and a workflow can automatically decrypt it just before processing. This provides high levels of file security while the file is a rest and in transit - to and from the paygate environment.
The following diagram shows the end-to-end encryption that can be achieved using a combination of Paygate Agent and a workflows using the encryption/decrytion nodes. Paygate Agent is used to ‘watch’ a local folder and encrypts any files entering the folder.
Paygate Agent send the encrypted files to Paygate and the files remain encrypted oin the Paygate environment until a workflow runs. A decryption node decrypts the files and processes the file. The file is safely deleted from the Paygate environment.
In the following image, the workflow downloads a BACS report, encrypts the downloaded file and then moves the encrypted file into a download area for collection by the Agent.
Supply the node with the filename of the encrypted file together with the path to the folder that the file will be encrypted into.
Special tokens can be used in path and filename fields to allow them to be dynamically named. For example: MyReport-21-09-2025
Token | Meaning | Example |
{dd} | Current Day number | 12 |
{MM} | Current Month Number | 03 |
{yy} | Current Year (2d) | 25 |
{yyyy} | Current year (4d) | 2025 |
{hh} | Current Hour (24hr) | 07 |
{mm} | Current Minute | 45 |
{ss} | Current Second | 22 |
{SSS} | Current Millisecond | 123 |
Encryption specification
Algorithm: AES
Key length: 256bit
Encryption Mode: CBC