File Generator


Generates a simple text file in the customer’s Paygate file area.

File Delete Node


File joiner configuration


The base PayGate folder that contains the files to be joined.

Input Filename

The filename of the generated file.

Randomise the content each time the file is generated

If enabled, the workflow will fill the file with random text. Any system monitoring files such as Paygate Agent or a File Watcher Trigger, will see the file as a new file each time it is generated, even if the filename stay the same.

If disabled, the file will be filled with the contents of the text area marked ‘Content’. To generate an empty file, simply leave the text area blank.
Note the is an upper size limit of 1024 characters.


Special tokens can be used in path, filename and content fields to allow them to be dynamically named. For example: MyReport-21-09-2025

Token Meaning Example
{dd} Current Day number 12
{MM} Current Month Number 03
{yy} Current Year (2d) 25
{yyyy} Current year (4d) 2025
{hh} Current Hour (24hr) 07
{mm} Current Minute 45
{ss} Current Second 22
{SSS} Current Millisecond 123

For example, at the time of writing: MyFolder-{dd}-{MM}-{yyyy}

would result in a folder name of: MyFolder-14-03-2025